
Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Nues is a clean and flexible theme for news & magazines with a well-organized layout. We’ve highlighted some of our favorite features below which include a fully responsive design, 8 custom widgets, theme options with multiple display settings, unlimited colors, support for language translation, built-in social post sharing, and much more!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Demo Download

Straptel is a Telecom / online store HTML5 CSS3 template, compitable with all browers, very simple coding you can easily edit the template.


Floating Header:  At the right side you will see the floating header you can easily customize or edit from blogger editor, the code of header is cleaned.

Solid Framework:  All the scripts and styles sheets are linked to external we have saved all the scripts and stylesheets to google drive the reason of moving scripts to externat its speed of template.

Seo Optimized :  All our templates are seo optimized you can add your meta tags and secriptions from blogger editor on header area.
Smooth Scroll:  Straptel has a amazing smooth scroll.

Credits :  You dont have permission to remove the footer credits, if you want to remove the footer credits purchase the license by contacting us thanks.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Maggner is a magazine blogger template inspired by ribbon wordpress theme,this theme has 2 columns with amazing header banner where you can adsense ads and its very easy to edit this template.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

1. Configure the network (static IP).

sudo apt-get update

3.  Edit /etc/hosts The installation will take the domain name of the line

Server.m4dom.local server

4. It is advisable to change the hostname in / etc / hostname to match the way you made ​​to / etc / hosts.
5. Install the LDAP server. During the installation we will be asked for the password of the administrator of the LDAP tree.

sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils

6. Verify the correct operation of LDAP

ldapsearch-x-LLL-b dc = m4dom, dc = local

7. Install the phpldapadmin

sudo apt-get install phpldapadmin

8. Properly configure phpldapadmin. Edit /etc/phpldapadmin/config.php and replace dc = example, dc = tld our domain name (dc=example,dc=com). Restart Apache

service apache2 restart

9. We can manage to enter the domain through the URL http://sserver/phpldapadmin. We login with
User: cn = admin, dc = m4dom, dc = local
password: entry during the installation of slapd

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Webhosting with HA and with kloxo NFS, Rsync, Heartbeat

Comming Soon Subscrice through Email within few days I will update

Monday, May 13, 2013

No Matter what people think about UNITY/UBUNTU but it seems that ubuntu community is adding a WOW factor to the SYSTEM in terms of speed, stability, design, smoothness and the best thing is that unity is getting mature day by day by the release of newer version you can note the changes in unity from 11.04 to 13.04 unity/ubuntu has grown really well and its getting my favourite interface.

Ubuntu 13.04 is released.
Well when people talk about features in newer version of any thing though its a OS or a CAR they first see the changes in design and hardly note the improvements in core/functionality of that particular thing.Today i am going to talk about my personal experience with ubuntu as a END user.

What is my experience as an END USER?
END USER ? whats that??? :O
Well let me explain by end user, I mean that i am using ubuntu 13.04 for the first time and I love music, I love surfing internet, I love fast system ETC.

so, My first reaction was
WOOOWW its DAMN fast.

My End User Experience In Terms Of Speed.
BOOTING TIME ----------------- Fast
Iniciating Session ------------------ Fast
Firt time opening Mozilla/chrome after login -------------- Normal
Opening Filemanger ------------------------- Cooool Fast
Open any other program --------------- Taking really less time

In terms of speed ubuntu 13.04 amazed me and all time I say wow.

My End User Experience In Terms Of Design.
Well design is not that changed but i am liking the way we can manage files in Nautilus and start menu of ubuntu/unity i liked from the first day and its also really improved. There is not much to talk on design but there are alot of new customization options in UNITY A few icons are new and what i liked in design are two things
1. File manager sidebar
Look at the cool sidebar icons i love these icons they are so simple and clean

2. Top bar in file manager
in Top bar we have new features in search within folders and arange icons and new style buttons these are cool looking buttons.

3. Changes in Start MENU UNITY

If you righ click any APP in start menu of unity/ubuntu your will see the description of the app and its really cool.


But at the end i must say I am using ubuntu from past 1 month and i have no issue of compatibilty and I got no Error its so stable to me i use VirtualBOX and mutliple machines to practice my networking and i use as web server as well i have no issue with this at all I have installed SUBLIME editor free version and its just so cool

Here is a screenshot of SUBLIME editor for Ubuntu

Thanks for reading , If you like that topic please comment , share and subscribe.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

keyword stuffing
In our previous post, We discussed about Keyword Density and here today we gonna learn that what is keyword stuffing and how to avoid it. Basically, These two topics Keyword Density and Keyword Stuffing are over SEO optimization which can harm our blogs and its SEO. That's why I am sharing these great things with you. So friends, these topics are similar and easy to understand. I hope you have learnt keyword Densily easily in my previous and here let's discuss about keyowrd stuffing.

What is Keyword Stuffing and How To Avoid It?

Using the main keyword of the topic repeatedly in Post Title, Permalinks and in Search Description is known as Keyword Stuffing. Let's have some examples on it.
Post Title : Learn Complete Ms Office In Urdu, Ms Office In Hindi, Complete Ms Office Course 
Search Description : Here You can learn complete Ms Office in Urdu, Ms Office in Hindi, Complete Ms Office course for free
Permalink : http://www.yousite.com/learn-complete-ms-office-in-urdu-ms-office-in-hindi-complete-ms-office-course.html
So friends in above blockquote you can see that I have used keyword stuffing and that is not good. You can see that I've used main keyword in Post Title, Permalink and in search description repeatedly that can harm our blog. So you should avoid keyword stuffing and let's have a look on a proper Post Title, Permalink and on search description below.
Post Title : Learn Complete Ms Office In Urdu & Hindi
Search Description : Here You Can Learn Complete Ms Office In Urdu & Hindi Languages.
Permalink : http://www.yoursite.com/learn-complete-ms-office-in-urdu-and-hindi.html
So friends, You can see the above blockquote which is having proper Post Title, Search Description and Permalink. You should avoid keyword stuffing like the above blockquote is improved.

Actually, This thing is over search engine optimization and that can harm your blog. Because your blog will be caught in over search engine optimization by Google Penguin. And Google Penguin detect those sites which are over search engine optimizing. So friends, You should try to avoid keyword stuffing in order to be safe from Google's algorithms.

Last Words

So friends it was our Keyword Stuffing that we have learnt today. I hope this will help you to be safe from Google's algorithms. Stay connected with us for search engine optimization tips and also subscribe us to get hot updates in your inbox. Good Bye.

About The Author

Mohammed is a 15 years old young blogger who is currently running is his blog which is My Tech Cafe and studying in the first year class. Mohammed is from Pakistan, Sindh, TharuShah and knows four languages. Mohammed loves to write articles, exploring new things on internet and earning money online.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Keyword Density
Previously we discussed about creating a 404 error page in blogger which made your blog more SEO friendly. And we are going to learn another important thing of SEO and that is "Keyword Densily". If you are a content writer on any blog or site then you must completely read this article and know the keyword densily in SEO. Because if you won't improve your keyword density then your blog can be punished by Google penguin, So you should improve your keyword density in order to be safe from Google Penguin's update. So friends let's discuss something about Keyword Density.

What Is keyword Density & How To Improve It?

Keyword density is the percentage of the usage of the main keyword in the whole article. For example if we are going to write any article and it's title is "What is PHP?". So in this example of title, the main keyword is PHP, now the percentage of the usage of PHP in the whole article must be less than 3% or if that article contains 500 words than PHP must be used less than 10 times. Didn't get it yet? Let's have another example.

Have a look on the below little article and see how much the main keyword is being used.
Title : Ride Of Bike, Main Keyword: Bike
Once upon a time, I was riding the bike and before the ride I had fulled the fuel tank of my bike. While riding, I came to know that my bike's tire is punctured. I looked here and there for the bike repairing shop but I didn't get any bike repairing shop.
So friends, I've given a 52 words little article which's main keyword is Bike and you can see that I've used that keyword 5 times and that is not good according to keyword density. So we should use the main keyword in the whole article less than 3%. So after improving keyword density, The above little article will be like below article.
Once upon a time, I was riding a bike and before the ride I had fulled the fuel tank of it. While riding, I came to know that it's tire is punctured  I looked here and there for the puncture mending shop but I didn't get any.
So friends, You can see that we have used the main keyword Bike only one time and it's keyword density is fully improved. Now after giving the physical examples, I hope you have understood it fully. So stay connected with us for more search enigne optimization tips and Happy Blogging!

About The Author

+Mohammed Yaqoob is a 15 years old young blogger who is currently running is his blog which is My Tech Cafe and studying in the first year class. Mohammed is from Pakistan, Sindh, TharuShah and knows four languages. Mohammed loves to write articles, exploring new things on internet and earning money online.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

This is how to setup Node.js on windows



Friday, April 26, 2013

Node.js is a server-side software system designed for writing scalable Internet applications, notably web servers.[1] Programs are written on the server side in JavaScript, using event-driven, asynchronous I/O to minimize overhead and maximize scalability. 
Node.js is a packaged compilation of Google's V8 JavaScript engine, the libUV platform abstraction layer, and a core library, which is itself primarily written in JavaScript. Node.js was created by Ryan Dahl starting in 2009, and its development and maintenance is sponsored by Joyent, his former employer. Dahl's original goal was to create web sites with push capabilities as seen in web applications like Gmail. After trying solutions in several other programming languages he chose JavaScript because of the lack of an existing I/O API. This allowed him to define a convention of non-blocking, event-driven I/O.[5] Similar environments written in other programming languages include Tornado and Twisted for Python, Perl Object Environment for Perl, libevent for C, Vert.x for Java, Akka for Java and Scala, EventMachine for Ruby and vibe.d for D. Unlike most JavaScript programs, it is not executed in a web browser, but instead as a server-side JavaScript application. Node.js implements some CommonJS specifications.[6] It provides a REPL environment for interactive testing.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Free Domains ?
Always people ask for free top level domains on internet, and you know what it is impossible that you get free/free a top level domain, yes you can get one or three dommains if you buy hosting package but why there is if ? WHY not free? well its simple you buy something than you get something for free.

So how can i get free domain without paying ?
Well, i am just telling you guys just for educational purpose that this is error in our system or may be few hosting companies from where we can get free domian and i hope as soon as they get aware of this  fact they will soon find the solution for this problem.


If you go to 1and1.com or 1and1.es they offer you 3 domains with hosting package. What you have todo is signup for that acount and put some valid acount no. you can use what ever back-acount to signup there and they will activate your hosting acount and you can than select your Domains and change the DNS to some external DNS-servers of other hosting or may be Blogger. And as you have used fake acount and have not payed anything after some time your package from 1and1 will be blocked (you can unblock by paying 1and1) But as you will see your package is blocked and you cannot login to change settings in package but your website will be up and running on other dns server and you'll be controlling your so called free domain from external DNS, And by using this Illegal method you have free domain and you can get unlimited domain by using this but I donot suggest anybody todo that this topic is for educational purpose to point out Error of 1and1. I hope 1 and 1 will soon fix that problem :)

As, you have not payed anything you have used fake bank-acount it is ilegal todo that and , I am not suggesting anyone todo that if you did and anything happens to you so than you are responsible for that.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Today i'm gonna teach you how to protect blogger articles from bieng copied, There is a simple html script that you have to copy and paste its not difficult i think :p 

  1. Go To Blogger
  2. Layout ====> Add a Gadget
  3. Paste This Below On You Gadget Area
<script type="text/javascript">
var omitformtags=["input", "textarea", "select"]
function disableselect(e){
if (omitformtags.indexOf(e.target.tagName.toLowerCase())==-1)
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined")
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")

Now save And You Can Check Your Blog And Website You Will Done This.Any one Don't Try Copyed Your Articales because CTRL+A and CTRL+C Don't Working

Having problem? just comment it below we will reply you as soon as possbile.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

404 code is known for not found pages in websites. All the websites create this page for better purpose. This page can help us in SEO, building relationship with the visitor and can get the new issues from visitors. So, whenever any visitor or reader will go on wrong link of your site then he will be on 404 error page, There we can add some options such as Go Back, Go To Homepage and Report This issue options. These are randomly used options in 404 error pages. Now in blogger, previously we're unable to add this page because we don't have c-panel in blogger. But now, In the new release of Blogger New Interface, So many important and helpful things are added. The most important thing which is added in this new blogger interface is Search Preferences Settings page where we are going to add the 404 error page.

Add 404 Not Found Error Page In Blogger

Here, I'm telling the method of adding that page in Blogger. So first of all, you will need to write the coding of that which may consist of Go back, Go To Homepage, Report This Issue options and according to your wish as well. If you don't know that how to write the coding of that page then the new post will be published soon where some 404 pages will be given. So let's continue this post.
  • Go To Blogger >> Settings >> Search Preferences
  • In The Errors & Re directions Sections, You will see custom page not found, Click On Edit.
  • Now A Box, Will Appear, Where you have to paste the coding of your 404 page.
  • After pasting the coding, click on Save Changes.
  • That's All.

About The Author

Mohammed is a 15 years old young blogger who is currently running is his blog which is My Tech Cafe and studying in the first year class. Mohammed is from Pakistan, Sindh, TharuShah and knows four languages. Mohammed loves to write articles, exploring new things on internet and earning money online.