Saturday, March 23, 2013

Nowdays, Everyone wants to be a blogger, create own blog so the  competition is growing up, 1st comes in mind is where i have to start blogging, Wordpress or Blogger: (Blogger) When i started blogging i chossed blogger because its free as we know :p  because of this i also started blogging with blogger, blogger is best platform for newbie if you are new in blogging so start blogger. (Wordpress) Wordpress has many features if you have good income online you have to start blogging with wordpress.

Second question is hosting, Wordpress need premium hosting because wordpress has many plugins of many mega bytes and themes that free hosting will not allow you i also tried free hosting i got stuck :p and i moved to hostgator now i'm a member of hosgator and they has amazing service 24/7 Live Chat, i will suggest you hostagator, if you think you want to trial or you want to see hostgator cpanel,features they also provide your 0,01 Cent 1st month you can also try.

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