Friday, January 4, 2013

Guest blogging is one of the best ways to generate
  • Quality backlinks
  • Targeted traffic
  • New audience
  • More online visibility etc

Then how to do guest blogging the great way when you’re just starting out?
Here are few Rocking Guest Blogging Tips for Newbie Bloggers including some precautions to consider while doing guest posting on other blogs.

Rocking Guest Blogging Tips For Newbie Bloggers

Target the new Blogs first

If you’re new into guest blogging world, don’t target landing on authority blogs like problogger, copyblogger etc. ;)
You may get doomed with the results.
Getting your guest posts accepted on the top blogs is not easy especially when you’re just starting out with guest blogging. It’s always a better idea to start your guest blogging journey with the new blogs (or less reputed blogs). Your primary goal in guest blogging should be landing on ANY blog. Then repeat the process for a while until you gain some experience and confidence to land on any given blog.

Slowly Increase the Pace

The concept behind increasing your pace slowly is so simple, you’ll slowly gain some momentum and readers for your blog. In between if you can manage to write awesome content on your own blog, you can easily build a better network around your blog. Start guest blogging on other blogs once a week/month in the beginning. Then increase the pace by 3 to 5 per month. This not only increases your online visibility but also improves your writing skills, agree?

Spend more time Connecting with other bloggers:

Either use social media sites like facebook or twitter to connect with other bloggers or simply become an active blog commenter on their blogs. When you leave thoughtful comments on their blogs, it allows blog owners to quickly recognize you. When you send a guest post request to them, they easily can’t ignore your guest post request, not only because they know you, but you’re being one of the regular commenter on their blogs. Try it works!
What if your guest post gets rejected?
When you face rejection, you’ll be left with TWO options. One is taking the rejection seriously and not writing anything. Other is either to submit the same post on other blogs or posting it on your own blog. Tell me which one is better?? So don’t worry when you face a rejection. It’s very common in guest blogging, everyone will face it sooner or later.

Few Precautions to Consider:

Never copy others content: Don’t write copied content on your guest posts. It’s the worst thing you can ever do in your blogging journey. Also it creates a bad impression on your blog and kills your online credibility.
Be careful with the images: If you’re not owning the image copyrights, then give the image credit (make it a nofollow link). Don’t infringe the image copyrights and become a headache for your hosting blog.
Formatting should be done according to your targeted blog’s writing style:Don’t write in your own writing style. Observe the pattern and writing style of your targeted blog to guest post on. And submit according the blog. This can increase your chances of getting accepted. If they’re using long paragraphs, you also do the same, don’t write short paragraphs and vice versa.
Don’t forget to promote: When your guest post gets accepted on other blogs, promote it on your network as soon as possible. Everyone will love to share your content if it has some valuable information. Promoting your guest posts not only give you more online visibility, but you can also create great impact on your hosting blog owner. This will be very helpful for you to build healthy relationships and they will come in handy in the long run.
Promote on social media sites like Facebook and twitter to boost the visibility of your guest posts. When you’re promoting the posts at right time, you’ll immensely increase the chances of more people visiting and commenting on your guest posts. Timing matters a lot in social media when it comes to boost your views.
So.. that’s all from my side.
Do you’ve any more Rocking Guest Blogging Tips for Newbie Bloggers? Please share them here. I’ll be glad to listen to you. :D

1 comment:

  1. Just the other day I received a guest post request (the person wanting to guest post on my blog) from an individual with the subject line “Write for Us.” Apparently the person was using the same draft both for sourcing and securing guest posts.
