Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Blog Contributors is a popular web-log or CMS (Content Management System) which is being growing widely. Many bloggers are successful and some are not because their blogs are full of violation. I've seen that many bloggers are helping each other in contributing their blogs and I'm also contributing here :P. So this blogger's option is really great, this allows to add multiple authors to a single blog. So, today here I am going to tell you that how can we invite contributors to contribute your blog. Well, This is very simple but newbies always need a hint to do new work. After making someone author of your blog, you don't need to worry because you might think the author will access the full blog but it will not happen. Blogger team is really brave. The options which will be shared with new author are not more. Only publishing new post and removing himself from that blog options will be shared with that author. The new author can only edit those posts which are published by him and other posts he can't edit. So friends, let's add the new author to your blog.

How To Invite Contributor In Blogger

  • Go To Blogger >> Settings >> Basic
  • In The Permissions Section, You will see Blog Authors. Click Add Authors
  • Now a box will appear, where you have to write the authors email. If you wanna invite multiple authors then add all emails in that box separated with commas. You can also add emails by choosing from contacts.
  • After adding emails, Click Invite Authors and You have done !
  • Now the author will receive a email by blogger, where he will be invited by you and if he will accept it then your contributor is ready.

Your Turn

So friends, that was our great contributing blogs option which we have learnt today and stay connected with us to learn more tactics. So happy blogging and please comment below :P.

About The Author

Mohammed is a 15 years old young blogger who is currently running is his blog which is My Tech Cafe and studying in the first year class. Mohammed is from Pakistan, Sindh, TharuShah and knows four languages. Mohammed loves to write articles, exploring new things on internet and earning money online.


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